There are 3 bloodlines of the vampire race; Strigoi, Draugar, and Lamia. All vampires are blessed with super-speed, super-strength, enhanced hearing, night vision, fast healing, mesmerization, and enthralment. These powers present and grow with age. Additional abilities are granted to each of the bloodlines, as with the regular powers, bloodline abilities are unlocked with age.
The Lamia bloodline has the sigil of the rat despite many Lamian vampires wanting to change it. The Lamian vampires hold mastery over rats; they can summon and control the rodents. A particularly old Lamian vampire can even transform into a swarm of rats.
Dream weaving is a rare gift bestowed upon the Lamia bloodline. It enables the vampire to enter the mind of a sleeping person and influence their dreams.
The number of vampires to possess the power of sanguimancy can be counted on one hand as it is so rare that most believe it is a myth. A vampire who wields sanguimancy can control a person’s blood; heat it, cool it, speed it, slow it, and even bring it to a complete standstill.
The bat is the sigil of the Strigoi bloodline, due to the Strigoi’s mastery of the night creatures. The Strigoi can summon and command entire colonies of bats, using them as servants and spies. Those of considerable age have been known to transform into a colony of bats or a singular bat of monstrous size.
A rare gift of the Strigoi is mind skimming. The vampire can read the surface thoughts of a human’s mind. It is not mind reading and an astute human can learn to defend against such a violation.
The rarest of the Strigoi gifts, and one that nobody in existence has actually seen, is the ability to walk in the sun without burning.
The Draugar bloodline claims the spider as their sigil. They possess the same mastery over spiders as the Strigoi over bats and the Lamia over rats. The more powerful Draugar vampire can transform into a cluster of spiders and terrify their foes.
Mist summoning is a rare gift of the bloodline and one used to conceal movements and heighten fear in one’s victims.
The Draugar vampires are the only ones with the possibility of a second transformative form, for they may develop the ability to become mist. It is a highly esteemed power and one possessed by very few. However it is not the rarest.
The rarest of all the Draguar gifts is that of atmokinesis: the power to control the weather. It is another of those mythological gifts that few believe is real.
Moroi is not a bloodline but a subspecies of vampire; one that the bloodlines view as an abomination. The Moroi vampires are weaker than other vampires in all regards. The general vampire gifts are far weaker in the Moroi and they do not possess mesmerization or enthralment. They also wield none of the bloodline abilities.
A Moroi can be born of any bloodline and to any vampire. The curse seems to occur completely at random. An ancient vampire might bestow the Midnight Kiss upon a human only to find that their newly created night child is a weak Moroi. It is a source of great shame and many vampires kill their Moroi offspring before they are discovered.
If a weak or poisoned vampire gives the Midnight Kiss then the risk of a Moroi is increased. However, no method is guaranteed to create one and there is no way of safeguarding against it.